A review by michellesantiago
Jane Slayre by Sherri Browning Erwin, Charlotte Brontë


Leslie's Review:
Before I begin my review, let me first say that I don't read the English classics. They bore me and I have a hard time with the language as it's not something I'm used to. However, after reading this book I really, really want to read the original Jane Eyre. Also, this was my first "twisted classic" book and I didn't know what to expect when I first began. Anyway, to sum this book up: Jane Eyre + paranormal creatures = Jane Slayre. And wow, this book was really good!

Jane was awesome! She is brave, determined and very smart. She didn't start out that way though and I loved reading about her growth as she became a kick-ass slayer. I also liked Mr. Rochester who was strong and handsome. Together they were amazing! I loved, LOVED their romance. When the conflict came between them, they had dealt with it perfectly, in their undying love for each other, without getting too crazy and loosing their senses. My favorite part would have to be the ending with Jane and Mr. Rochester--I gave a happy sigh when I closed the book and had the biggest urge to beg my dad to drive me to the library so I could borrow Jane Eyre. This is one awesome book! 5 out of 5 stars