A review by dmacy
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman


A necessary book, well worth the read.

Edition Read: 2nd Edition, 1995

The ubiquity of the Love Languages framework speaks to the lasting impact of this book. The assumption can be made that any person who has read, studied, or looked into marriage advice either knows the 5 Love Languages by heart. What has helped the Love Languages framework become so ubiquitous is its practicality and simplicity. It doesn't take much to remember the different Love Languages and put them into use.

That being said, reading the book is still worthwhile, as Chapman explains the Love Languages with greater depth than can be found on informational websites or through other resources. The book is also aided by several stories of actual couples and their struggles to communicate and foster intimacy which help to ground Chapman's theory in the true successes of actual relationships. These stories are relatable and help the reader to see the Love Languages at work. Chapman also expounds on the nuances of the Love Languages that often get glossed over in the mainstream dialog surrounding his work and its place in the marriage advice genre (an example: Chapman's point that each of the Love Languages has a few dialects, or different modes of expressing love in the same Love Language). This nuance adds credibility to his theory and makes this book well worth reading. Highly recommend.