A review by brokenrecord
River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey


2.5 stars. Not bad, I just never got into it. There wasn't enough time or development for me to really get invested in any of the characters due to the length. I loved the premise — a hippo cowboy recruiting a team for a caper! — but I needed more than that to feel invested in the story, and I never got it. I also think I tend to prefer capers in visual mediums (movies, TV) than in books, so I could see me enjoying this story a lot more if it were made into a movie. It wasn't terrible, and I can see why some people would be super into it, but I just felt kind of meh about it in the end. Although I will say that it was great that there was a non-binary love interest and the amount of reviews complaining about how confusing the singular "they" pronoun was (it really wasn't confusing at all for me) or why there had to be a non-binary person because there was no "point" to it (non-binary people exist — that's reason enough!) or that they should've just been a gay or trans male (??? So basically the character should've just been a completely different character???) is utterly maddening to me.