A review by tracydurnell
A Duke to Die for by Amelia Grey


I had to roll my eyes at a lot of this book - the way the H & h lusted after each other from page 1 and their internal monologues were a little over the top. I am always skeeved out by a more than ten year age difference - what 30-year-old thinks a teenager will make a good life partner? The sex scenes weren't anything special, felt a little rushed.

This could have stood for another round of editing - there were two 'red herrings' of antagonistic relationships that I was expecting to have some repercussions but didn't go anywhere. Tension for nothing. Maybe they arise in the next book? The ending could have been much more exciting - I had a few possibilities mapped out (including the red herrings) so the actual ending was kind of a let down and seemed to happen too quickly.