A review by low_vely
Lyrical by Bea Paige


Freestyle gave us the beauty of first love and building connections between Pen and her Breakers, woven together with the pain of their split and the fierce anger once they reconnected. Lyrical was so different from that. Bea still gave us the incredibly deep feelings of longing and pain, but she also managed to weave in a sliver of hope that gave us something to hold onto and fight for, just like Pen was attempting to do. Pen recognized her inability to let go of these boys, these men, even with this chasm of past decisions separating them, and her acknowledgement of that happens very early on with her opening dance showcasing her pain. With her pain on display, the Breakers finally began to see her truth and the fact that it would’ve been impossible for Pen to hurt them intentionally.

Just like with Freestyle, Bea works her magic to make a visual artform show up in her words. The thought of every dance move being described in words may seem awkward, but I assure you, Bea will make the dances come to life for you. Her skill with words is incredible and I have this hope that while she writes, she’s forced to get up and try some of these moves in order to describe them just right. Every dance number in Lyrical has a purpose, even those required for class, and the purpose is always to expose some buried emotion to the viewer, either us or Pen and her Breakers. All of the key players lay themselves bare for us and each other.

You should know that Bea is the queen of dangling what you most want in a book, then pulling it away at the last second, only to start over again! She finds pleasure in this teasing game she plays with her readers, but as I’ve said before, it really is a strategy that pays off, because it builds this emotional need under your skin, a need for the next fix that Bea can give you. Because we know, once we finally finish this journey, she is going to bathe us in serotonin in a way that will leave us with a happy and satisfied book hangover. At least...that’s what I better be getting at the end of all this!!