A review by grahamlm86
An Elephant in the Garden by Michael Morpurgo


A lovely read, full of joy and hope in the midst of trauma (WW2). I loved reading about the family and their journey away from their home, with Marlene, the Elephant from the zoo. I enjoy reading about Jewish history during WW2, in a sense to understand their struggles and to make sense of the horrid that humankind can inflict on innocent people. This story was more light than heavy, but had some heavy/sad moments, and the author wrote it well, where I felt drawn in to their experience and wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next.

I enjoyed Peter's character, and his compass; how his compass led the way to safety for them. After all those years, Lizzie held on to his compass, it meant so much meaning to her. I admired their strength and courage, trekking for miles and miles in hunger and cold. And how they came together, Peter, Karli, Mutti, Lizzie, and Marlene the elephant, and became a family. I liked how it concluded as well, with Peter and Lizzie seeing Marlene decades later in Toronto Canada. Although a quick read (geared more towards young adult readers), I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Some quotes that resognated with me:
"I looked up into Marlene's face, and saw the fires of the city burning in her troubled eye. She knew what was happening, understood everything. I was sure of it."

"That was the longest night of my life. I had never before witnessed human misery on such a scale. It is the sound of a people in despair that I shall never forget: the weeping, the sobbing, the screaming and the praying."

"Every time I hear a ring of bells, it makes me think the same thing, that there is hope, that life goes on." (135)

"Sometimes, when I felt I could not take another step, I would feel Mutti's arm around me, and she would say always the same thing, "Just put one foot in front of the other, Elizabeth, and we'll get there." It was her constant mantra. When I was at my lowest ebb, I would keep saying that to myself, trying my very hardest to believe it." (148)

"Through wind and rain, mud and frost, Marlene just plodded on. She was our pacemaker, and we kept with her. When I was walking anywhere near her I could hear the hollow rumblings of contentment from insider her. And that for some reason always made me smile, and so lifted my spirits... We took great comfort and courage from her endless patience and perseverance... If Peter was our guide and provider, and Mutti was our strength, then Marlene was our inspiration." (149)