A review by librarypatronus
I Am Still Alive by Kate Alice Marshall


I really enjoyed this - I haven’t picked up a lot of survivalist fiction, but I would based on this one. Full of tense moments, where you could actually believe she was in danger and this time would kill her (compared to my read of The Martian where it became pretty obvious that he’d just solve every issue in one page with his giant brain), Jess was not at all suited to survive in the wilderness but through luck, help from Bo (and her late father), and the little bit of knowledge that she’d gained and her own drive to survive, she starts to have a fighting chance. We read her journal chronicling the before (her father dies and she’s alone) and after, hoping that once she’s gone someone will still know what happened. “So if you’re reading this, I’m probably dead. But for a while, I survived. My name is Jess Cooper, and I am still alive.”