A review by grauspitz
The Lost Sisterhood by Anne Fortier

Did not finish book.
You know this book really had promise, it really did. I was tempted to finish it and I got about 350 pages in before I gave up. Don't get me wrong, for the most part I liked the story I just had one small problem: the portrayal of Paris. Maybe I'm being picky but I don't think I can read/finish anything that makes the reader sympathetic to Paris.

Especially when they change the entire situation about the whole abduction of Helen, leaving out any mention of divine involvement even in the modern time period where they discuss the Iliad. It reminded me of Troy 2004 in a way. They even went as far as to make him the favourite and apparently oldest son of Priam (perhaps that's rectified later on but from what I've read it's not) as well making him a competent fighter, at least enough to teach.

I understand that this is meant to be a twist on the Iliad, but it wasn't the best of twists in my opinion. Honestly it's not a 1 star book, it was good aside from a few minor things that I personally dislike to see most anywhere.