A review by munleigh
Along Came the Rain by Alison R. Solomon


Wynn Larimer is arrested for kidnapping two teenage girls but she's innocent. Things don't help her because she has a poor memory but she knows she's been set up but not who and why.

I couldn't quite get into the book as much as I would have liked. Perhaps it was because of the constant change of POVs and time-hopping. There wasn't much romance as it was more a mystery novel.

I must admit I was quite surprised finding out who did it but I felt the delivery could've been better. I thought that certain leads could have been followed by the police but they didn't, making them somewhat incompetent. I couldn't grasp how Wynn reacted when she found out who it was that framed her.

Review also posted here: http://wp.me/p4Pp9O-vp

I was given a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.