A review by canada_matt
The Last Refuge, by Ben Coes


Another excellent Coes novel. The author is a master with words: detailed description, plot lines that twist into directions one can never predict, and even development of characters throughout the series and well as within the book. This third book in the series picks up where the previous ended, using a plot line developed in the second and makes it one of the central tenets of this, the most explosive (no pun) book yet. Dealing with Iran and its nuclear ambitions, Coes sets the scene for a plausible story and the race to keep Iran from destroying its enemies. With an excellent sub-plot (I will not ruin it), Coes tells two stories at once, keeping them separate and yet tied their loose ends together where it benefits the overall story line.

While the story is full of violence and strong language, it is, actually, a seemingly realistic approach to how things would happen. Not that I am familiar with the world of covert operatives or CIA mission, but it seems possible, if not probable that the actions taken mirror what does happen in the real 'dark side of the moon' world. Coes has the expertise, so why not use it to his advantage? He is also quite in touch with which topics push a story along and how to mix them together for the best final product. I have yet to find a book that is sub-par or filled with fluff to reach a set page number. He moves through numerous topics in his books (oil rig destruction, political coups, and nuclear weapon usage) that are prevalent in today's society and could be key grounds for terrorist plots. The man, like Joel C. Rosenberg, could be an oracle, in a fiction writer's clothing.

I can strongly see the Vince Flynn and Brad Thor influence, but I see Coes able to stand out from them. He individualises his work and yet fans of the former two would surely love to devour this series.

Kudos Mr. Coes. Splendid work! You have found your niche... keep going with it.