A review by kstring
Teardrop by Lauren Kate


1.5 stars

The book sounded interesting in the beginning and I had hopes that it's excellence would surpass Fallen; but, alas, my hopes were dashed when the writing fell apart into overused cliches and uninteresting telling, not showing. The writing was not bad--it was very easy to read--it's just that the main plot line did not measure up to what I had in mind when I began. By the end of the book, I was bored and ended up zoning out for most of the climax with no effect, as in I didn't miss much by zoning out. There wasn't a whole lot of emotion where there should have been (though the author did try, I just wasn't feeling it).

This just bugs me: How is it possible to fall in love with someone like Ander? You don't even know his last name and he knows literally everything about you. To me, that sounds like he could love you (since he creepily knows everything about you), but you couldn't love him. That's my take on it, just saying...

I don't plan on reading this series any further. An interesting idea, but poorly approached.