A review by ctgt
Nothing Lasting by Glen R. Krisch


I am online friends with the author and he provided a free copy of this book.

I suppose you could call this a coming of age story but it's not one of those where the past is looked back on fondly.
Noah Berkley is burying his father. As most of us would, he begins to reminisce on his adolescence years. Back to a time when his parents had just split up, he and his father had moved to his father's hometown and Noah was just trying to keep it together. He forms a tenuous friendship with Derek, an older boy whose mother is dating Noah's father(and it seems they had a bit of a past) and embarks on a budding romance with Jenny, a free-spirited girl from school.

The story weaves through many twists in Noah's life. Getting in to trouble with Derek, becoming closer with Jenny all while trying to figure out exactly what happened between his parents. Throw in an old crime from the past and you have a story that takes many unexpected turns all the way to the surprise ending.
