A review by ncrabb
The Buzzard Table, by Margaret Maron


At six chapters in, I had to ask whether this series is running out of gas. I hope not. I’ve enjoyed it so much, and I have lots of books in the series I’ve not yet read.

Sadly, it appears to be a rather loosely plotted book wherein Deborah Knott-Bryant has little to do but fret about when and how to adopt her stepson and cook spinach lasagna. Ok, I’ve over simplified that a bit, but not by much.

It seems a female real estate agent with a dying marriage got in the unfortunate habit of showing more than houses. They found her murdered in a secluded place.

There’s a Brit who claims to be an ornithologist studying the habits of buzzards or turkey vultures. He is also a photographer, and a super-distant relative of Deborah Knott’s. He didn’t kill little Miss I’ll-Show-You-the-House-and-So-Much-More, but he’s clearly up to some bad stuff, as a friend of the Bryant family, Sigrid Harald, who stars in her own Margaret Maron series apparently, determines.

I’ll go back and fill in other books in the series I’ve missed, but not for a while, and perhaps with a bit less enthusiasm than I’ve approached this series in the past.