A review by nerfherder86
Life Debt, by Chuck Wendig


Another excellent Star Wars novel that I couldn't put down. Good sequel to the first book, but even better because this time we get many more Leia and Han scenes! There are still interlude stories in between chapters, which I liked better this time around now that I see the method to them. They're continuations of some of the little interludes from the first book, some connections to The Force Awakens, and also new scenes and new characters. So it's almost like a book of short stories and a novel got mashedup together. Main plot of main story in a nutshell: Snap and Norra Wexley and their companions are asked by Leia to find her husband Han Solo, who hasn't been seen since he disappeared while trying to liberate Chewbacca's planet, Kashyyyk. And off we go! The usual awesome action, suspense, humorous banter, glimpses into the minds of the Imperial enemies (Grand Admiral Sloane, and Gallius Rex, among others), space battles of course, and great relationshippy (that's a word, right??) scenes between Han and Leia, Han and Chewie, Wedge Antilles and Norra, and more. (I always like my science fiction with some softer emotional stuff, too, and not limited to all action and hard science. This one delivers.) Very much looking forward to the third book!