A review by erinarkin20
Complete Nothing by Kieran Scott


Complete Nothing is the second book in the True Love series by Kieran Scott and it picks up immediately where book one left off. I found myself enjoying this book a bit more than the first one but it is mostly because I already had all the backstory and the book jumped right into Eros’/True’s challenge.

Zeus had made things even more complicated for Eros/True by throwing Orion into the mix on Earth. If you recall, Orion is the reason Eros/True is on Earth and in order to be able to go back to Mount Olympus and save Orion from Zeus’ wrath, she needs to match three couples on Earth…without her powers. She has successfully matched one of the three and she only has two more to go. But now she has to match two more couples and also deal with the fact that Orion doesn’t know who she is and what they mean to each other. Just to make things even more worrisome, Hephaestus has heard that Artemis and Apollo are doing everything they can to get sent to Earth to get their revenge on Eros/True.

As it happens, Peter, the quarterback of the Lake Carmody High football team, decides to break up with his girlfriend Claudia and getting them back together becomes True’s focus over the next week. One of the things that Scott does well is show the progression of the story from multiple characters’ points of view. We follow along with True to see how she is progressing but we also get to find out more about who Peter and Claudia are and what is really going on with them.

I loved the introduction of Peter and Claudia and thought Scott did a great job of reflecting what it is like as a high school senior to not know what you really want to do with your life in Peter and then the exact opposite – knowing exactly what you want to do in Claudia. As we learn more about them, we also find out that their biggest issue right now is that they don’t really talk about all the changes that are coming. So instead of discussing the fears that he has, Peter lashes out and they end up saying things to each other that they immediately regret.

As True is pulled into their world, another mistake happens. True assumes Peter is just being a normal teenage boy who wants to “sow his wild oats” before he goes away for college. If she had spent the time to dig into what was really going on with him instead of assuming what she did, she wouldn’t have encouraged Claudia to make him jealous and begin seeing a boy who Peter considers his nemesis – the quarterback of their crosstown rival, Keegan Traylor.

I won’t go into all of the details here but the story follows these characters as they try to figure out how to either walk away or salvage what is left of their relationship. Both Peter and Claudia realize that they have made some mistakes but they are young and I found myself cheering them on just hoping they would figure everything out.

I will mention that I loved the secondary characters in this book. Lauren, Gavin, Wallace all added to the story. Additionally, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Ares all added to the story and I found the twist that was introduced (which really threw True for a loop) interesting.

If you are looking for a young adult story that includes mythology and a great story, definitely check this series out. The characters are well developed, the story is engaging, and I am looking forward to the next book in the series as I can see that things are about to get even more interesting for True.

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy!