A review by thecommonswings
Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye, Vol. 1: Going Underground by Gerard Way


There are several ways to revive old comic characters the general population don’t really know: laborious and full of historical lore; the lighthearted version of that which takes the lore and turns it into knowing jokes for the cognoscenti; the po-faced and serious rewrite; the postmodern rewrite; the larky rewrite - all these tend to have at their centre some sort of reaction to or against the original character history which tends to bog the whole thing down and result in inevitable cancellation

Thankfully Gerard Way and Jon Rivera are fans of the *other* way, the Grant Morrison way. A way which has the history within the DNA but tends to not bother stopping to allow you to soak it up. Oh no. Far more important is the story itself - and this is a dizzying, strange and exciting story which just happens to be apparently seeped in history

Unfortunately this also means it’s sometimes incredibly hard to follow, but the art and the story and the pacing almost completely make up for that. I’d rather be momentarily confused as to where the central character’s beard has gone on one page and then forget that because the story is going off into loads of different directions than any other route. Good fun and, yes, I want to find out what happens next so job’s a good ‘un