A review by amrareadss
Blood Warrior by H.D. Gordon


Its 2:42AM, I just finished this and there's lot on my mind. I'm tired but one of the thoughts I have on my mind now is WHY HAVEN'T KAYDEN AND ALEXA KISSED? I'm very upset that there wasn't some passionate kiss that left Alexa confused and happy and Kayden angry and happy and then they have a fight and kiss again. No that didn't happen sadly but a lot of other things have happened.
We find out that Alexa's mom isn't dead. Big surprise. Not really, in all the books that I've read where something happens to the mom and the daughter has to leave her and think that her mom is dead but then finds out she isn't and then there's the end of the chapter the mom is never actually dead. She's either become the bad guy of the story and the heroine has to kill her or she's trapped somewhere and the heroine is trying to rescue her.
But overall I enjoyed reading this book so much I have deprived myself of sleep. That means a lot when I'm reading a book because I enjoy sleeping a lot, and the fact that I am writing a review at this time as well means something. The heroine is badass, cool and you start liking her because she doesn't seem to complain too much and she cracks jokes that aren't always funny and she has the weird tendency to laugh at serious moments and I can sooo connect to that. I can't connect to the whole part where I have to save my sister and leave my mom to die and then I meet this hot,sexy vampire who's too old for me but that's ok.
The characters I truly love. There's some sort of connection with every character and you don't really hate any of them because you just can't. There's Kayden ,whom I have fallen in love with, and there's Alexa ,who's like book version of me except smaller, and they are so awesome together and I still can't bring myself to believe that they haven't kissed. It's the suspense that is killing me!!!

Sorry if this review isn't very informative about the book, but I am sleep deprived and should have done this in the morning but maybe it like gives you the gist of book?