A review by geldauran
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan


It's not the gratuitous sex or violence that makes me dislike this books so much. Because I've read a lot of books with both, and it doesn't particularly bother me.

This book is so poorly paced. The book wastes chapter after chapter with nothing happening. He went from this place to this other place and had sex with someone. He went over there and then he killed some people. He meets this one girl and then they have sex for 30+ pages while rehashing a lot of the information we already know. The protagonist will sometimes interrupt a battle or sex scene to eloquently recall some scene from his past or describe something else entirely for several paragraphs between punches. It's a bit of an exhausting read because you're settling in for a 300+page book with only 100 pages of actual story.

The writing in this book drives me absolutely insane, and I can't finish it.