A review by missie1457
Screaming Divas by Suzanne Kamata


Screaming Divas was an intriguing story, it was like Lemonade Mouth meets Rent. It definitely was not what I was expecting, it wasn’t a bad read, it was just not really my style.


The story had good pacing. It was a quick read I finished in a couple hours.

The writing was interesting, there were some parts that I really enjoyed, especially because of the writing style.

Each character was well-developed and you were given a good view of who they really were.

The characters were sexually diverse. I have not really read books with characters who are homosexual, so it is good to have diversity in books for those who desire to read more stories with characters that are not the mainstream.


I would call this a YA book with the ages of the characters, but it almost seemed like new adult in action. A few of the characters lived on their own, even though they were still in high school.

There was more graphic details in the book than I am used to in this genre, including sex and drugs. I really do not enjoy “erotica” myself and tend to shy away from books that have sexual acts in detail, although this was mild, it was still not my cup of tea.

I was really thinking the book would be more “Lemonade Mouth” than it is. It was more a Disney book in my head, so that was really my fault coming into the story not really knowing what I was getting into.

Favorite Quote:

“Their sound made Trudy think of a funeral in a Gothic cathedral, or the spooky look of the low country at dusk, Spanish moss hanging like cobwebs, bats flitting around. Noel’s voice was low and menacing. He stood at the center of the stage, his hands cupped around the mic. From time to time he pressed his palms to his temples as if he were trying to quell demon voices. Although he barely moved, his body was tensed. Trudy expected him to pounce into the crowd like a panther.

Disclaimer: A complimentary copy of the ebook was provided to me by the author and publisher in exchange of an honest review. The views expressed above are entirely my own and are in, no way, affected by the source of this book.

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