A review by gnostalgia
The Machine God by MeiLin Miranda


*** I was given a free review copy courtesy of the Author.

The Machine God by MeiLin Miranda is a mix of fantasy and magic with steampunk. The real power source in this story is a substance called”ichor”.

"Ichor? An obscure word in Old Rhendalian meaning “blood of the gods,” a word the ancient alchemists used to describe a mythical, elusive substance which turned lead to gold. Adewole said nothing about it to the engineer; esoterica bored him."

I have to admit that I really enjoyed the coffee-swilling character Adewole. He is a very interesting yet flawed character. Having said that, I think the owls are my favorite characters in the book.

If you like your steampunk with a twist of fantasy, I think that you will enjoy the book. I give it a solid 4 stars out of 5. Funny and touching, The Machine God has a little something for everyone.