A review by qhuinnblay
The Season of the Plough by Luke R. J. Maynard


This is a review of an ARC I was given days ago. My opinons are not in any way biased for or against the book. This is an imparcial review for a fantasy book that I happened to like.

I went to a beautiful place thanks to a very talented author, Luke Maynard. I met wonderful and especial characters whom I wanted to spend hours reading about, especially the mysterious Aewyn, her "friend" Poe, and the many Havenari and the author created with endless imagination.

I love everything about this magical world, the fantasy is amazing, and I want to read more about this world and its characters. I was hooked in the first page, and it never let me go. I feel so thankful for having been given the chance to meet Aewyn, Grim, Alec or Robyn, all well defined and lovable. Chapter after chapter, I discovered more about the life of Aewyn, an adorable girl who found a way into my heart as soon as Luke Maynard introduced her to the readers.

I Will be there to read the second book, becuase the first one was incredible and had everything I look for in a book, including well-defined characters, and a writer that managed to create a new world with ease, which is very difficult.

I strongly recommend you to buy and read this beautiful and charming book. It won´t disappoint, and Will take you to a place where you Will want to stay forever.

Great debut novel. Fantasy is not an easy genre to master, and Luke Maynard did it. Congratulations.