A review by slenkic
Irresistible: Why We Can't Stop Checking, Scrolling, Clicking and Watching by Adam Alter


Overall I enjoyed this read, but I felt I got what I was mainly looking for in Parts 1 and 3 where I got ideas on how to handle my own internet and technology addiction. The second part of this book really dragged for me, it seemed the author was trying to pad it out with endless examples of technology and addiction research that didn't offer much for my own personal development. I found myself skim reading this part to get to the most interesting section Part 3, which gave me more practical ideas on how to use technology for good and how to break the most addictive parts of it.

Having said that, I think I'll be using techniques I learnt from Gretchen Rubin's book about habits 'Better Than Before' more than this one to help my technology habit.

After finishing this book I deleted the Facebook app from my phone, since I've been spending way too much time scrolling and getting distracted by it. Now if I want to check Facebook I have to go to my laptop, turn it on, wait 5+ minutes for it to load (it's a 5 years old computer) and then check my feed. Using this 'Theory of Inconvenience" (learnt in Rubin's book) has made my Facebook time plummet and when I do use it it's not for as long and much more enjoyable.