A review by ladyknightmeg
The Binding of Bloom Mountain by Siggy Chambers


Can a book be both cozy and terrifying?

I have to preface this spoiler-free review by saying this book made me both hungry and scared.

Hungry, because Siggy Chambers writes the BEST food descriptions. I’m telling you, you will want all the pie while reading this.

Scared because, well, this is a portal fantasy book that mixes in monstrous folklore.

The. Monsters. Are. Scary.

The only reason I didn’t devour it in one sitting, is because at about 1/3 of the way into the book, I could no longer read it right before bed, which is my typical reading time.

Overall, while this isn’t my usual genre, this book was a well crafted dark adventure with an autistic MC, and a cute f/f romance to offset the horror bits. I really enjoyed tagging along on Celeste’s adventure and am jealous of all the baked goods she got to eat along the way.