A review by florina
Thriving in Sex Work: Heartfelt Advice for Staying Sane in the Sex Industry by Lola Davina

There’s this anti human-trafficking group I’m considering to join because they need Romanian speakers. I was shocked and devastated to find out how many of my conationals are being trafficked in the brothels in Czech Republic. Call me ignorant, but I wasn’t aware of the problem being at such a scale.
I joined one of their meetings and I needed days to recover emotionally afterwards. It’s such a sensitive and complicated topic. And me - I had a protected blissful childhood and was raised in a conservative family. So I decided to take it slowly.
The coordinator of the group proposed different materials for us to read to get familiar with the issue. So I was like “Ok, a bit of reading can’t hurt”.
Last time was a book about the Christian view on human trafficking, this time was this book - of the perspective of the people on “the other side” - the sex workers.
Although the author mentioned she does not address the trafficked sex workers, I still felt weird to read it, in the bus and in public. It felt weird to get a glimpse into all of these things. It made me reconsider a lot of things.

To be honest, I was ashamed to mark it as read here on Goodreads. But here I am.