A review by mewpasaurus
Adventure Time Vol. 7, Volume 7 by Ryan North


This volume of Adventure time was much more enjoyable than the last couple of volumes. Story concept was a bit more involved, but was much more eye-catching and in tune with what one would have seen in the show. I particularly liked the antagonist in this volume.

I don't want to ruin anything for those who want to read the book, but I have to say, while I'm still really annoyed about the mint-green text that the author seems to think is necessary at the foot of every page, there were substantially less of them in this volume than the last, however.. as others have pointed out, the jokes he makes as footnotes really aren't funny and don't add anything to the story. The author really should give up on this notion and use his energy writing better panels instead of giving older audience members headaches by having them strain their eyes to read obscenely hard to read mint green text on a white background.

And while the volume starts off kinda sketchy (Marcelzine, lol), it comes out alright in the end and does actually end up being one of the better (so far) volumes of this comic.

Looking forward to more!