A review by bootman
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by bell hooks


I’ve been trying to learn more about what’s going on with men. There’s so much sadness, rage, and despair. I’ve grabbed a few books on the topic, and a lot of people recommend this book from Bell Hooks. This is a fantastic book that I think has incredible insights. Bell Hooks has this philosophical and sociological perspective about men and the idea of masculinity. She also puts a huge emphasis on how trauma is usually at the root for many violent men and how we should be addressing it. I also think she has a fantastic description of patriarchal systems that are difficult to deny for those who don’t believe they exist.

I guess my only critique is that this hyperfocuses on a very specific type of man. This is about men who are physical and/or psychological abusers. It’s also about men who had violent fathers or fathers who taught them some pretty toxic ideas of what it means to be a man. Since the book was original published in 2004, we’re seeing the problem grow and spread to young men who don’t come from these backgrounds. We’re now seeing young men who don’t have these histories but are turning into the same type of men, and that’s what’s scary.

I recommend the book for sure, but I think a current version of the book would read have to cover a lot more.