A review by canderson
A Season of Sinister Dreams by Tracy Banghart


I’m giving this a three because I normally like Tracy Banghart’s books and I loved the narrator’s voice, but I’d say this fell more in a two category. But, there were so many holes in this novel, and honestly too many easy ways out. The premise was interesting; that everyone had a little bit of magic but Evra was weird and scary because she has none. Yet, it seemed like there were multiple characters who didn’t appear to have any magic and they weren’t weird... Toward the end, I had to go back and listen to two chapters again because someone miraculously appears just in time to be a super important character with very little transition. I actually did it twice because I thought maybe I misheard details leading up to the reveal.

Another big issue: the advisors. They’re supposed to be celibate; does that rule spontaneously disappear the second the new ruler steps into power? I mean this towards the end of the novel — as it’s utilized as a “taboo” for mid-novel but then the rule is forgotten at the end.

I really thought this novel had such promise, but I’m left feeling very “meh” about the whole thing. The majority of Evra’s story felt a bit clunky, while Annalise’s seemed more solid.

Overall, not a bad read. It was quick and interesting and the narrator was pleasant to listen to.