A review by prof_pelon
1632 by Eric Flint


Brain Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs with a little salad on the side... but tasty salad
Scandal Level: deep pink
Violence: 5 muskets and a few sexual assaults
Must be ___ old to read:
Read if you liked: The later season of the Tudors
Re-readability: I probably wont read this book again, but I will read the sequels.

Thoughts: So I went into this book with a lot of skepticism. I got it for free on Amazon (red flag 1), it is the start of a super crazy long series (red flag 2), and it is "alternative history" (red flag 3). I ended up loving it!

I know very little about the 30 years war and the king of Germany and the nordic states so learning about their history was fascinating. I also loved how the American's address issues, it's realistic and yet inspiring. Well worth the read.

It does get violent, there are battles and roaming mercenaries who rape, pillage, and burn as they go. It is difficult to read but honest and I think tastefully done. There are also some sex scenes, but they are easily skipped.