A review by rjordan19
Barbarous, by Minerva Spencer


This is the second book in The Outcasts series by Minerva Spencer. Her first book, Dangerous, was a book I enjoyed as well. If you read that one prior to this, you'll know 1-2 of the characters but I don't think its necessary. I was momentarily confused when reading this book because it seems like this book takes place prior to the first. You'll meet the heroine of the book Dangerous prior to most of that books events. Threw me for a loop for a minute...

I rather enjoy Minerva Spencer's writing. I love her sex scenes, they are lengthy and steamy and explore a bit beyond the twice missionary you find in some books. I think shes witty and quite funny but in a different way than Julia Quinn, Tessa Dare, etc. I wouldn't suggest reading her books for a laugh because it's not the focus, but there are scenes and sentences that make me laugh and smirk. Spencer touches on hard subjects and her stories seem to me to be pretty unique. Both heroines I have read about have been experienced women, in a way, yet innocent. Trigger warning for rape, but its a past experience, not something you actively read in the book.

Hugh has left life in England to face a number of horrors, eventually becoming a privateer. He returns to his estate, long thought dead, to solve a few problems brought to his attention. Daphne has also experienced horrors in her life, which is she alternatively trying to hide from Hugh and getting the guts to tell him. The book deals with their past stories coming back to haunt them and them finding love through it.

Daphne is Hugh's aunt by marriage (She married his uncle while he was gone). He calls her “Auntie” in the book and it was slightly disturbing at first but I found it hilarious. I loved the sexual tension built in this story. Hugh was just wonderful, although sometimes I found myself wondering how he was as cheerful and positive as he was after his past experiences. He did show his dark side a few times. I guess I wouldn't have minded more of that peeking through.

My complaint about this book was I found the middle surprisingly boring. There was a lot of time spent in each main character's head but a lack of dialogue between them, or any action happening. It did drag for me a bit. Not enough to put me off her future books though.