A review by readwitray
Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes


I think S.A Barnes is slowly turning me into a SciFi Girlie. 

We are back in the world S.A Barnes created. The future of the galaxy. Ophelia is a psychiatrist who has had a rocky past and now she’s heading out to a new planet with a team she has never worked with. 

Even though this is the same world as the first book. We don’t get any mention of the first book so they definitely not a series and read as stand-alones. 

I am absolutely in love with this world that S.A Barnes creates. I can picture every scene in this book. Being able to picture everything with all the detail makes the book much scarier. I am completely enthralled during the whole book while being on the edge of my seat. 

This is a great SciFi Thriller. It really makes you rethink if we should be exploring outside our galaxy. 

If you love:
🔺Alien Infection 
🔺Outer Space Exploration 
🔺Strong Female Lead 

Genre:  SciFi Horror 
APK: Ebook 
Pages: 384
Rating: 4.5⭐️
Series or Standalone:  Stand-alone.