A review by yazaleea
Garron Park by Nordika Night


i liked it! i liked the premise and the dynamics!!
had some trouble with the writing style, 1st pov is really not my thing, esp when it shifts between the two characters of a romance... and i think the biggest issue i had with this book is that the characters were not selling me on their actions at all. it seemed like they were acting because the trope called it, a classic case of the characters *telling* the reader too much instead of *showing*. the attraction arrived so fast, i didn't have time to get used to them hating each other before they starting being all over each other, so whenever they were like "i hate him", "i want to hurt him", "he is my ENEMY" (that was so fricking funny to me, so dramatic but that's how they are!), i was like "yea yea sure, you're saying this because this is an enemy-to-lovers book but NOTHING shows them actually hating each other beside random, out-of-nowhere fights and very loud character voices. esp when the only thing they seemed to actually agree is on how much and often they wanna shag. btw the book is very sex-heavy, maybe too much for me. I would have preferred a bigger focus on the development of the characters and their romance instead of a 18268th growl-angy-sex-grrr scene, but eyyy that's just me.

but yeah, loved the idea of the book, the execution left me hanging because i wish the romance had been handled a bit more subtly. I'll def read the other two books, can't wait for nate x xavi romance hehe