A review by heres_the_thing
The Creeps: Book 2: The Trolls Will Feast! by Chris Schweizer


Carol, Mitchell, Rosario, and Jarvis are the Creeps: a group of friends dedicated to investigating the monster attacks and unnatural occurrences that plague their home of Pumpkins County, even if no one else in the community acknowledges these dangers or the ensuing property damage. The second volume of Chris Schweizer’s middle grade horror series takes place outdoors, validating your concern that invisible monsters are out to get you, even when you’re trying to work on on a school project. The art is brighter, zanier, and more explosive than before, and it’s a joy to see the Creeps running around their extended community. Even when they’re being pursued by a monstrous beast who smells like garbage.

Full review at No Flying No Tights.