A review by litjrzygrl
Cover Him With Darkness by Janine Ashbless


Some spoilers in this review.

As I read the book I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, and I'm still not sure on my feelings about this book. The description really sparked my interest. A fallen angel and a human, sounds great! Then I started reading the book and for everything I really enjoyed there was something I really didn't enjoy.

I liked the religious aspects, it struck a cord with this big Supernatural fan. The idea of fallen angels and this ongoing battle between good and evil is intriguing. That being said, I was really uncomfortable with the sex on the alter in a church. I skipped over that scene.

The scenes between Azazel (the angel) and Milja are hot! But there weren't enough of them. I just couldn't really believe they were falling in love because it seemed like they were never together and when they were together they were either fighting or having sex. I want to see a relationship building and Milja spent more time with Egan.

I also didn't buy the romance, falling in love stuff, because it's said that Azazel has an allure. He can make women fall in love with him. That added to the fact that I didn't see any real foundation for a relationship bothered me, especially the end of the book.

That being said, this book ended with the feeling like there could be more to the story and if that's the case I'll be reading it.