A review by constancelee
The Scatter Here Is Too Great by Bilal Tanweer


The Scatter Here is Too Great

3.5 stars rounded up to 4 since I think I would have enjoyed it more had I read it in a day or two rather than over the course of a week. It would have helped me more fully appreciate the interconnections of the characters from one story to the next.

Despite the bomb blast event, it is not a terribly heavy read, though it does touch upon some deep reflections at times. It is more about the characters and their lives than this actual event.

The author has a unique style, but I can’t really put my finger on why, but this uniqueness has a genuine feel to it. It could be that I am just not familiar enough with Pakistani literature, or much of the novel-told-in-stories genre to say for sure how it compares.

I was a little disoriented at times, which could be because my reading was too spread out, or that it was intentionally written this way in order to provide the reader with the feel of the chaos and confusion that characters would feel such a traumatic event, much in the way I felt reading Blindness though Saramago used a completely different technique to get that feeling across.

All in all, a worthwhile book I will probably return to again when I’ve got a small block of time where I can sit down and read it straight through.

I received a complimentary copy via the Goodreads “first reads” program.