A review by beillumined
You Suck: A Love Story by Christopher Moore


I enjoyed this book but it's not nearly as good as the first book in the trilogy, Bloodsucking Fiends. Somehow the writing falls short. I also despise intros to books that are a part of a sequence that attempt to recap the previous books in the storyline. I prefer the author to assume that the reader has read the previous books in the series (as a true fan should have anyway) or the book should be written in such a way there should be no need to write such an information packed intro.
I think I am also annoyed by the introduction of Abby Normal's character and perspective. It's incredibly immature and her language is grating.
But if you focus on the story and the rest of the perspectives, you can get past the other junk and realize it's pretty funny. So 3 stars it is!