A review by alexiachantel
Enchanting the Lady by Kathryne Kennedy


Kennedy brings just the right amount of fantasy to Victorian London. Enchanting the Lady has magic, shifters, and even dragons.

Felicity is a stunningly beautiful and powerful young woman. But she doesn’t know it. Having lived her life under a powerful spell and hidden away in the country she thinks very little of herself. So when the King’s right hand man (shifter) lays eyes on her she is very unprepared.

Terrence works for the King as a relic hunter. Relics are remnants of Merlin’s time and hold so much magic in them it corrupts the user. Having had close experience with relic users he is committed to ridding the world of the dark magic. So when he scents it on the intriguing Lady Felicity he is torn between his mission and the call of his mate.

Felicity is very innocent, at times too much. But it does fit the storyline. Terrence is an impressive lion, very alpha. They each fall fast and hard, no question there. The part that keeps you reading is the mystery of the relic, where it is, who is using it, and how is Felicity wrapped up with it?

This series has promise. It is a sweet fantasy with well written characters. It will be fun to see who Kennedy features in the second book.

Review posted at Reading Between the Wines blog:
(copy courtesy of NetGalley)