A review by ferrisscottr
JLA, Volume 1 by Grant Morrison


This graphic novel collects 9 issues of JLA from the late 90's (hence Superman with a mullet).

I liked this (surprisingly) pretty well.
The art was very good (except Superman's extremely small ears - don't ask why that sticks out to me) and the writing was well above average, kept me turning the pages and wanting to know what happens next.

Why not 5 stars? Because it has the same problem that every DC comic has had for 70+ years - it's not believable, it's not relatable. The hero's are almost god like (you might say Mary Sue like) and there is never a doubt that they will win, nothing is ever going to go wrong, they have no problems, no issues, etc. etc. etc.

I got this from my son (after I made an angry face when he came home from the bookstore with DC graphic novels instead of Marvel) and really enjoyed it - if you're a DC fan this is a definite recommendation.