A review by beccainabook
The Brightest Night, by Jennifer L. Armentrout


OMG OMG OMG! This series just keeps getting better and better with each book! I am completely obsessed! Not only are Evie and Luc such a fun couple to read, the plot is so entertaining, I could not put it down!

Now that they are on the run and people are dying left and right, things have gotten extremely really interesting! Evie has really grown throughout the series and I am amazed at her strength! She is the strongest female in the series, well except Kat of course. (Kat will always be near and dear to my heart! I mean she is obsessed with books, what’s not to love?) I mean this girl has suffered through more than anyone should and she still is pushing through. Girl is badass!

Luc was also such a sexy and steamy specimen in this book. Their scenes together are explosive and I just can’t get enough! I’m obsessed with his pick up lines and when he calls Evie Peaches. BE STILL MY HEART! My heart also glows when he just tells her to just be here and doesn’t expect anything else. He may be just a tad possessive and obsessive, but it’s a little understandable given their situation of constantly being in danger.

The plot in this book was extremely action packed and there really was no point where anyone could relax. However, I had a little problem with the community and how they treated Evie. I mean I get her powers are insane and unpredictable, but I thought their rudeness and impoliteness was a little much. I mean their Luxen, they should know how it feels to be feared because of what you are. It took the community much too long to realize this fact and that really irked me.

That ending blew me away and when is the next one out because I will probably die before then! Read this series people! It is amazing.