A review by rachelb36
Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset


If you think what you want will make you happy, you're wrong... it won't. This is the basic premise of the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy. Overall, I really liked it. I thought it was very realistic in portraying the characters' emotional lives, and some of their actions that spilled over from these.

Though it follows Kristin and Erlend's relationship, it is not a love story, which I really loved. Since the premise of this book is that Kristin sleeps with Erlend before they're married and is then filled with guilt, yet still goes on to fight for what she wants (Erlend), there is a certain amount of sexual references/content, though nothing is very graphic.

The name of Jesus is used in vain several times throughout.

I'm giving it 4 stars overall, but have briefly reviewed the individual books below.

Book One, The Wreath - 3 Stars

The first book in the series was not very interesting. The pace was slow, not much happens, and I didn't love the characters. What I liked the most about this first book was some of what the monks said about God and their faith.

Throughout most of this book, I was so disengaged that I wasn't even planning on continuing the series, but at the very end, the book left off at a place that finally piqued my interest.

A favorite quote from The Wreath:

"'God help you, Ragnfrid Ivarsdatter,' said Sira Eirik, shaking his head. 'You want nothing more from all your prayers and fasting than to force your will on God. Does it surprise you, then, that it has accomplished so little good?'" (p 44)

Book Two, The Wife - 5 Stars

I really liked this book, as this is when Undset begins really showing that Kristin isn't satisfied with all the choices she's made, yet now she has to deal with the consequences, like it or not. Undset also begins showing some situations from the point of view of Simon, the man Kristin was betrothed to before she married Erlend. Their lives never go as planned and they're bittersweet.

A few favorite quotes from The Wife:

"Every man forgets the sinful pleasure he has enjoyed when he has to pay for it." (p 306)

"Are you so arrogant that you think yourself capable of sinning so badly that God's mercy is not great enough?..." (p 361)

"She had chosen to follow the other man, whom she knew traveled on dangerous paths. Monks and priests had pointed out remorse and repentance as the road home to peace, but she had chosen strife rather than give up her precious sin." (p 630)

Book Three, The Cross - 4.5 Stars

This was a good continuation of The Wife, but toward the end it began to drag, and some of the characters I'd become comfortable with were switched out for others whom I had no attachment to, so I didn't enjoy it quite as much.

Favorite quote from The Cross:

"It seems to me that you should have seen so much by now that you would put more trust in God the Almighty. Haven't you realized yet that He will hold up each soul as long as that soul clings to Him?... Haven't you realized yet, sister, that God has helped you each time you prayed, even when you prayed with half a heart or with little faith, and He gave you much more than you asked for. You loved God the way you loved your father: not as much as you loved your own will, but still enough that you always grieved when you had to part from him. And then you were blessed with having good grow from the bad which you had to reap from the seed of your stubborn will." (p 1094-1095)