A review by iphigenie72
Not the Best Day by Brynn Stein


This is a story about a young man shopping for Christmas gifts getting aggravated by a man who seemed to have no manners.

The story didn't work for me on a couple of levels: first, I thought Henry got very angry at a stranger way too easily (If he was a real person instead of a character, I would give him the advice my therapist gave me of turning a negative reaction into a positive i.e. if someone knocks your gifts from you in a store because he's running... you might think he's a jerk as a reflex, but you have to think a positive way to see the situation and try another explanation like maybe he was running for an emergency and couldn't avoid you, anyway, it's a great way to make you let go of your anger) and, second, I didn't think the two main characters really interacted in a romantic way.

I did like the vocabulary and how the author writes, but that's not enough to say I liked this story.