A review by ladypalutena
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray


Gemma Doyle tries the patience of everyone around her. In the beginning of the novel, she’s in India with her family. They’re British, so there’s a very specific set of rules they have when interacting with the “locals.” (Oh, and they do fetishize the character of Indian descent in the novel as being “exotic,” which is a terrible thing to do.)

Gemma’s mother commits suicide right in front of Gemma’s eyes during a trip to the market, and Gemma gets shipped off to an English Finishing School outside of London, The Spence Academy. It is hoped that she will be tamed while she is there, because like most other YA period books, she’s a firecracker of a girl who doesn’t want to fit into the normal social conventions of the time.

This book is narrated in first person, in the present tense, and I’ll have to admit I’m not a fan of present-tense narrations. Some people think it ups the tension factor, because you’re living in the moment with the character, but if the person is narrating it in first person…then the narrator is obviously going to survive, right? If they were narrating it from the ghost world or something, they would have to do it in past tense. But enough about my preferences for narration choices.

A Great & Terrible Beauty is relatively well-written, and Bray has gone through the trouble of not sticking to Victorian dialogue, although her attempts at modernizing the Victorian period through feminism almost fall flat. One of the four main girls gets drawn into an arranged marriage and while that’s certainly not okay, everyone is perfectly fine with fat-shaming one of the other main characters. The more I reread this book, the weirder these parts of it are. I appreciate Bray attempting to bring feminism into 1899, when this book takes place, but her attempts are not standard throughout the novel and she really does leave several characters out to dry.

It’s relatively easy to guess the identities of Mary Dowd and her friend, Sarah, if you pay attention from the very first, so the plot’s biggest twist really depends on how much attention you’ve given the novel so far. I will admit that the first time I read it, I guessed at least one person’s identity, but had no idea as to the second. If you know anything about the rules of magic, it’s also relatively easy to guess what happened to Carolina, the little Gypsy girl who has been missing for about twenty years.

The characters in the novel seem like a hit or a miss. I feel like I’m getting too old to read YA books because the main characters in them are starting to annoy me. Gemma is 16 in the novel, as are her friends, and they behave like normal 16 year olds do, which is to say, annoyingly. They fawn over guys and wonder what’s going to happen to them after they get out of the finishing school (well, everyone except Ann, because she’s going to end up as a governess because she’s poor and here only on scholarship) and don’t put any attention into what is going on around them. It’s your typical YA stuff, and it’s all starting to get to me. The characters are petty and selfish, and even though they supposedly grow to like each other towards the end of the novel, I find it hard to believe that people who behave like they do towards one another can become friends.

As mentioned before, the book does a lot of sexualizing of the Indian character, Kartik, and Gemma often has wet dreams about him, fantasizing about his appearance and what she would like him to do to her. (He’s also the only guy she’s ever interacted with outside of her brother, so of course he’s mysterious and lustable.) The Romani “Gypsy” characters are also stereotyped, with the males being aggressive and overtly sexual and the women generally disappearing into the background.

I do want to say that I first read this book when I was around 14, and I thought it was one of the greatest books I’d ever read. The older I got, and the more books I read, the more flaws I’ve seen in this one. If you’ve never read a magical genre book before (with the whole “good vs. evil” trope in it), then you might find this a refreshing take, with it being set in a boarding school. If you’ve read female boarding school books before, then this one probably isn’t going to change your opinion on things very much. If this is your first time reading this novel, you may find it entertaining. If you read it when you were younger and enjoyed it, and you’re thinking about rereading it, I’d say go ahead and do it, but be aware that the book you remember isn’t as great as you remember it to be.

If you are a fan of pseudo-female-empowerment, like reading about girls being catty to one another, and you enjoy magic, I’d put this series at a 3.5/5. It will grab you if you’re interested in the genre, but other than that, it’s probably not going to do much for you. It treads well-worn genre conventions, and does not stray very far out of them. If you’re not a fan of magic/fantasy/female boarding schools, your mind probably won’t be changed by this novel. The good thing is, this is a relatively short read, so you won’t be bored for very long.

The Gemma Doyle trilogy is very similar to Inkheart in that the first book in the series is the best. While it does end of a sort of cliffhanger, had Libba Bray decided to not write a sequel, the world would have been more or less the same. Instead, we get forced romances in the continuing books, along with a half-hearted attempt to bring feminism to the world of 1900 London. There’s nothing here that you wouldn’t have seen before, just with some different faces in the main roles. Names have been changed, roles may have been reversed, but the stale genre tropes are still fully here.