A review by riverlasol
The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure by Caroline Paul


When I received this book for my birthday (thanks Dad!) I was excited for sure. The title sounded so strong and I, being a feminist, was overjoyed. I was also partly overjoyed because of the simple fact that it was a book (of course). I took it with me to school the next week and started reading it in my spare class time. However, another book that was extremely intriguing came around (no idea what it was) and I started reading that instead. Then, just this week, which is about 6 months later, I rediscovered this book on my locker shelf (everyone complains about how messy my locker is and this is pretty much proof of that). So, I started reading it in my spare class time again and finished it soon thereafter, since it is a relatively short book. If you are ready to get on your adventure spirit then I would recommend this book.


To read the rest of my review, go to my blog:
