A review by annareadshere
To Love by Daniella Brodsky


Synopsis: Olivia has just moved across the world because she followed her boyfriend to Australia, only for him to cheat on her and leave Olivia stranded in a new country by herself. Luckily for her, she’s got a job to keep her going and also the interest of the man who happens to be her boss. If only she pretends to be his girlfriend/fiance for a few days and then she can get back to life the way it used to be. What could possibly go wrong?

“I could have met her yesterday and I’d still know she was the woman for me.”

I should start by saying that I’m always really iffy about insta-love books, because they seem so rushed and a little infuriating. So while To Love had the insta-love thing going on, it didn’t feel as annoying as I thought it would. It’s a gradual build, but it’s always lingering in the background. And the two characters provide enough distraction to make you forget that they fall in love almost as soon as they exchange words. But their meet-cute and almost every scene they share together is a great combination of hot, cute and sweet.

Aiden and Olivia meet for the first time when they’re both at the same hotel and Aiden gets a drink thrown in his face because he’s so distracted by Olivia at the bar. And when he walks over, it’s with a purpose. He doesn’t expect to feel the things he does. Olivia is sassy, smart, funny and drop dead gorgeous - but to him, she’s just sexy as hell and he believes she can save him from the predicament he’s in. Aiden made a deal with his father, to settle down and prove himself by a certain date. And the date is fast approaching and Aiden still hasn’t found someone to shove in his father’s face. Till Olivia.

“Maybe it’s the scotch whiskey talking, but tonight, the intensity of that fateful sensation that somehow I’d landed where I belong increases a thousand-fold looking into those crystal blue eyes, the permanent line etched above Aiden’s nose as he looks at me with the full weight of destiny—like he feels it too. Which is crazy.”

Of course Aiden happens to be Olivia’s new boss and given that Olivia is still new to the company, people are going to be unhappy about her suddenly shacking up with the boss. A certain people being women that Aiden has had flings with before. Because let's face it, Aiden is hot shit. He’s a billionaire, he’s handsome, he’s charming and he’s a sight to behold. Women everywhere have clearly been dropping panties for a night with him and Aiden hasn’t refused them the attention.

But the more time they spend together, the more Aiden and Olivia connect and become something more than just two people spending time together because of a deal. The more time they spend together, the more they find that they like each other and the chemistry is very real and very hot and they can’t stop wanting each other in every way possible.

“I am not immune to her charms. I want to know her. I want her to know me. And the possession of this kind of knowledge feels completely different from any kind of personal knowledge I’ve experienced before.”

The writing is really easy and fast to read. I got through this book in two sittings and it made me smile and laugh and swoon all in equal measure. It’s my first Daniella Brodsky book, but I think I could get used to reading her style of writing for a while to come. The characters are honest and open and Daniella writes them like that really well. The two leads are really quite something. Olivia is such a great character, having overcome all of her tragedies and struggles to make something of herself. She’s tough, she’s earned her place in the world and at Aiden’s company and everyone who meets her falls in love with her. Reading the book and getting to know Olivia, you almost understand why she’s so easy to be around. And Aiden goes from being your typical billionaire manwhore to being someone of substance and all of that is because of Olivia.

A playboy reformed is a popular trope, but tie in the insta-love and the fake relationship and everything really just fits together really well. This was such a great read and one I hope more people soak up and enjoy, because it was so well put together.

Thanks to Daniella Brodsky and Grey’s Promotions for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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