A review by thebooktrail88
Frieda: A Novel of the Real Lady Chatterley by Annabel Abbs


Pass the smelling salts. I fear my constitution has been weakened with this talk of free love and sexuality in Munich. I do regard the man DH Lawrence to be quite the tease! I have never lived like this before. Nottingham is so tame compared to my life now.

Nevertheless, I shall ensure that I contact these pages again and write a fuller review of this luscious novel once I have recovered my senses. It is the story of how I, the real Mrs Chatterley came to be, and what goes on between these pages, these sheets, will be sure to cause a scandal.

A fascinating literary scandal once the book is unleashed onto polite society in November.

Follow the locations in the book here


A novel which brings to life someone in history I had never really thought about before – the woman who was the real Lady Chatterely

I’ve read the novels of DH Lawrence and often wondered about the attitudes of the time regarding sexuality and relationships and there’s no doubt in this novel what is acceptable in that regard and how times are changing. It’s interesting to see Frieda’s change as she goes to Munich and then meets DH Lawrence. The rest they say is history….

Despite the locations, the novel is of course very character driven and there are a few view points although Frieda is quick to tell you what she is thinking and feeling in her own voice. Of course, with modern attitudes, the wish to be free from a stifling marriage is no shock, but in her day, the way in which this free-love and wanton abandon is not just encouraged but promoted – and by her sister – is shocking in its own way.

This was a fascinating way to delve into the lives of real characters who had a huge influence on today’s literary scene. We’re all familiar with the book Lady Chatterly’s lover and the scandal it caused at the time. Now we get to see , or at least imagine, just how that might have happened. Although a little dense and slow paced at times, this is an interesting novel.