A review by moonybl
Beard with Me by Penny Reid


Having just finished it, I feel like someone punched my in the gut.
It’s a great book with a beautiful love story that will leave you wrenched and your heart will be teared open.
My emotions are so over the place that I don’t even know if what I’m writing makes sense in English or not. That’s how affected I am.

Okay, after taking that out of my chest, let’s talk about the book.

This is book 6 in the series but I would actually call it book 0 or the prequel.
In this book we get to see how everything started and who was the Winston family before the story we all know and love.

We get to know the Jethro who was part of a biker gang, the Cletus who said everything he wanted without a care in the world or the Ashley that existed before Chicago.
But most importantly, we learn about Billy and Scarlet and their story is one for the ages.

I think I’m just gonna leave my thoughts and feelings in here and not talk about the books, at least not yet, because it is still too raw and I think you’ll get enough book descriptions anyway.

Let’s hope I get to sleep after this and not wallow in the sadness and the despair.