A review by thegeekyblogger
Bled & Breakfast by Michelle Rowen


Read for Fun (Paperback)
Overall Rating: 4.50
Story Rating: 4.50
Character Rater: 4.50

First Thought when Finished: I just adore Sarah Dearly and her escapades!

Story Thoughts: Salem is the perfect setting for Bled & Breakfast! I pretty much giggled, gasped, and cheered through out the whole book. Who would have thought that in Salem you would have witches, ghosts, and vampires who refuse to die (even when made into sand). What can I say? I was sucker for all the paranormal elements that gone thrown into the mix and all the new characters. The more I learn about Sarah, the more I think I need to read the original series this is a spin-off from!

Character Thoughts: Sarah and Thierry are probably my favorite cozy mystery couple. They are so different and yet so perfect for each other. Let's talk about my favorite character(s) in this book: Owen. He was just a male-slut to the max and yes he is absolutely deplorable but oh so fun! I also liked the witches and shifters introduced. Dare I say that I hope we get more of the owner of the Bed and Breakfast! She was delightful!

Final Thoughts: Can't wait for the next one!