A review by lmrivas54
Guilty as Sin by Meghan March


I read this book in one sitting! Took me all day but I couldn’t move away. It very much feels like a middle of a trilogy book, continues with the plot but doesn’t end the story, yet it was a great addictive read.

Without giving out spoilers, Lincoln realizes where he’s been failing Whitney, in not trusting her, when she should be the person he trusts the most. He has an ingrained impulse not to trust anyone, taught to him by his grandfather Commodore. During the book, he realizes he has to break away from many of his old habits if he wants to retain Whitney.

Whenever Whitney faces a situation, she has one of two instincts: fight or flight, yet she mostly uses the flight instincts. She tends to want to run to escape from problems. She’s under siege, from the press and the Riscoff family and her cousin Karma. In this book, she’s also trying to break from her flight instinct and trust Lincoln to have her back.

This couple grows as a couple, pardon the redundancy, improving their relation in trust and love, but they have many enemies and circumstances that fight against their being together. Their only allies are Jackie (Whitney’s aunt), Cricket (her cousin), and McKinley (Lincoln’s sister). Everyone else in town is against their relation, and the biggest opposition comes from Lincoln’s mother.

The pace of this book was fast, the writing compelling, the love story inspiring and hot. I love Whitney and Lincoln as a couple, even though I wanted to shake Whitney a couple of times. She’s kind-hearted, generous, and her intentions are good, but all her tribulations as a Gable, as Ricky’s wife, and as Lincoln’s shorn girlfriend really did a number on her.
What makes this book so riveting is the evolution of Lincoln’s and Whitney’s love story in the midst of family intrigue and opposition. The book proceeds in dual POV’s and alternates between present and past times, moving on from where the first book begins. We get insight on many situations as the book progresses, yet there are still many mysteries to solve. And of course, we get another spectacular cliffhanger to leave us reeling and waiting impatiently for the finale.