A review by ederwin
Bunch! by David R. Bunch


I came across this by chance one day in a library. As I was about to move to a new town, I couldn't check it out, but did have time to read a few of the stories. (They are all very short.) I was amazed by their originality and deeply black humor. A bit like a mixture of Samuel Becket, Kafka, and Dr. Seuss.

I tried to find a copy after I moved, but it was impossible. Even today, it isn't easy. I was able to find [b:Moderan|2699898|Moderan|David R. Bunch|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1354867617s/2699898.jpg|2725254] in a used book store, and that almost scratched my itch. The style is the same, but in that book he stitched together many related stories into a sort of novel. His work is best savored in small doses, not a novel.

I kept looking over the years and finally in 2008 decided to pay an exorbitant price for a used copy via Amazon. I was not disappointed. Only a select few will enjoy such stories as "Any Heads at Home", "In the Time of Disposal of Infants", "That High-Up Blue Day That Saw the Black Sky-train Come Spinning" or "The Walking-Talking I-DON'T-CARE Man", but I do, Do, DO!

("Moderan" will be re-published in August 2018. Hopefully this one will eventually get re-published. The title, by the way, is "BUNCH!", not "Bunch". Capitalization and exclamation marks are as important in these stories as the rhythm (anapestic tetrameter) is in Dr. Seuss.)