A review by ambscray
The Void by J.D. Horn


I have so many mixed emotions that I'm not quite sure where to begin. I suppose I'll begin by saying that I absolutely adored this series, and I think it's partially due to the fact I have nothing to compare it to. There is not a single series I've read that even comes close to being on the same page as this one. The first comparison my mind tried to make was Harry Potter, for the simple fact they both center around witches and wizards and a magical world that exists inside of ours but goes unseen by most of those who don't have magic of their own; but in reality the two are completely separate works, incomparable to each other (but both amazing in their own right).

Rating: 4.5/5

I have a little Mercy Taylor in me and can't give this a 5/5 because I'm being stubborn and I feel a little bit cheated. I totally understand that everyone has their limits and gets tired of the same characters they spend years with but I feel like there is so much more story left to be told! That being said I do feel somewhat comforted by the fact that Horn's website mentioned a Jilo prequel story but I very much hope he one day decides to continue Mercy's story.

Things I didn't like:

One of the few things I can remember only because I just finished the book is the almost impossible to understand explanation of the line and its creation and the mechanisms of it all. I'm sure to J.D. Horn it makes complete sense, seeing as he dreamed it up in the first place, but I found myself getting a little lost in the words during the conversation 'the Swede' was having with Mercy. I'll have to go back and read it all again to see if I can make more sense of it. It didn't, however, take away from the overall story. It just slowed it down a bit for a few minutes.

There were plenty of things I didn't like as I was reading but most of them got resolved by the time it ended. Once I was finished reading the only thing I could pinpoint was the ending. I don't want this statement to get twisted into something it isn't, so let me clarify: I was okay with the story's ending, I just hate that it's the trilogy's end.

Things I liked:

The easiest way to list the things I liked would be to type the entire novel into this review and I just don't have the time or the patience for that. ;)

In other words...

Originally I was going to wait a few days to review this because of how conflicted I felt when I finished, but I started typing and couldn't make myself stop. I genuinely enjoyed this book even throughout all of its twists and turns, especially the heartbreaking twists it begins to take about halfway through. I began to get extremely worried that it wasn't going to end well, and while I'm still not satisfied with the ending as a series, the book itself did end in a good place. If you have a thing for witches, the south, or just magic in general then I highly recommend this trilogy. It takes witches and does its own thing with it and, in my opinion, is extremely successful with what it does. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.