A review by artemishi
A Beastly Scandal by Shereen Vedam


I'm not normally much of a romance reader, but I do love me some history, especially Regency history. And in A Beastly Scandal, Shereen Vedam has written a fun little romp through Regency romance.

It's a quick read, and a lighthearted one. Belle is a woman who knows her own mind, and doesn't bend to the will of others (although she attempts to live within the rules of her society). Her supernatural senses give her an edge when communicating with others, which seems to have replaced her need to be a critical and analytical thinker.

Lord Rufus is a man who worries too much, and wears his emotions on his face (unknowingly). In the stern patriarchal society that was Regency London, I can well believe Rufus' harsh self-criticisms and bullying of others. He's a bit ham-fisted and trusting in his quest, but then, if you were brought up to believe everyone else was there to take care of you and do as you say, I suppose you would be trusting.

This book has more in it than I expected: love, yes (and instalove, which is my least favorite thing but in a short romance novel I expected it), but also espionage and intrigue, supernatural stuff, a fair amount of historic detail, and characters whose external visage is at odds with their internal desires.
Belle's abilities meant that the usual journey of discovering someone's motivation was cut short, but at least everyone in the book had motivations and fears, and the concept of "no one is fully who and what they seem" was carried off with success.

I recommend this book for lovers of regency romance, fairy tale retellings, supernatural romance, regency ghost stories, beach-read historic fiction, and lighthearted romps.